Relaxer Prep!

It’s 10am on Saturday morning. I am doing my hair early today, as I leave for DC first thing in the morning. Today is also relaxer prep day, as I am getting my corrective relaxer late next week. I am nervous to see how that’s going to turn out!!

First I am starting off with a pre-poo of V-05, honey and EVOO. Instead of just letting it sit, I am under the dryer to speed up the process. I will be doing a clarifying poo, followed by a moisturizing poo (Alterna products, of course). Today will be my first hard protein treatment since beginning my journey almost four months ago!! I hate doing these because the Aphogee smells horrific, but I know its great for my hair and since I had a relaxer two months ago, I really need to use one since I am overlapping chemicals.

I will follow that up with a longer than normal deep conditioning treatment, then do my roller set.

I predict that it will take me about 4 hours. Wow. All that for my hair! You know it’s true love!!

Later –
It turned out quite nice, as you can see! However, there was a lot of shed hair, so I am not sure how effective the black tea rinse was overall.


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